The humdrum of life is always so unsettling- this is what I always thought.
'Sorry, I won't be able to make to the get-together, as I have so many works pending and they need special attention.' This had become a monotonous repetitive excuse of mine for almost everyone. Though, at times it was not an excuse but a stark reality. Coming back home from work, late, I hardly had any strength left to go out. I have always managed all of my problems alone. Happiness has been always elusive to me but I have done my best to pull it to me despite all odd factors coiled around my life.
But what has happened in these few days is beyond the zone and arena of all Astrologers, Geologists, Scientists, Priests etc. Whose playground is this then? We had taken life for granted! Now we all are quarantined, isolated. Why we are fearing another man? Isn't it pretty devastating?
I, in my isolation, seek to come out to the banks of a river and give my soul a breather! But I know I can't. Physically, I am trying to cope up but mentally, I am in a pool of gloom. I wish I could have flown to everywhere I didn't! I wish, I was more open to life and lived it to the hilt!

Maybe, I am not so rich, maybe I don't have a perfect life but my children are safe and this actually should be the priority at this hour and I appreciate this! I am thankful to almighty for making me realize that silver linings are found amidst dark and thunderous clouds. I am thankful to him for making me realize, if we are safe in these times, rest all things are a bonus!
COVID 19, has shown me the naked truth of human life. We are nothing but puppets, dancing to the tune of nature's will. Those who believed, money could buy everything probably have gone wrong this time.
Many of our frontline warriors of COVID 19 have succumbed to the vicious and venomous fangs of this lethal biological Virus, being termed as 'weapons' by some! My heart bleeds for them and I salute them and their families. Humanity is still alive and 'empathy' is just not a word! It exists in real!
The path ahead is misty, unclear, undefined. We are stuck in an ocean of uncertainty. We are not aware, what tomorrow holds for us but yes, let us pray to that power which is surely in our Universe- to make us extremely strong to combat the onslaughts of this unknown enemy!
The path ahead is misty, unclear, undefined. We are stuck in an ocean of uncertainty. We are not aware, what tomorrow holds for us but yes, let us pray to that power which is surely in our Universe- to make us extremely strong to combat the onslaughts of this unknown enemy!
Our Willpower only can save us. Our Willpower is the magic wand acting as a medicine against this virus. Yes, My soul has wings, it will rise again! Lockdowns, quarantines, Coronavirus can do nothing to us if we start respecting nature and reduce our hunger for MORE! This want of MORE has led us to NOWHERE!
There is no vaccine, no medicine to fight this deadly disease! We have to stay locked but the food? The food which is supplied to us- are they free of infections? Infections can come stealthily and slyly from any hidden crevices, destroying our peace and life. Circumstances are unknown and out of our reach. Hence, please do away from all negativities.
I wonder, why some people are against if someone is posting videos of gymming, cooking etc. Please, we all have the right to live the way we want.
I understand the plight of daily wagers and many who are struggling to survive but can we go out and help them? Can our not doing exercises or not studying online help them? The only way to help is to give donations. Yes, donate freely, especially if God has bestowed you with money. Release the salary of your staff, at least for the period they have worked, and further too if you are taking work from them. If you are not able to, give them a clear picture- support them to build their lives. The Chakra of Karma will come back again. Please do not get yourself entangled in this chakra. Do good from one hand and get the 'goodness'! from the other.
My Soul Has Wings; It Will Arise Again
It shall fly and perch on a piece of sky
Or dive deep into the blueness of the ocean
Gauging the depth of its heart
It will twinkle with the stars
The Lockdown can't shatter its wings...
My soul will join with yours-
To bring the light of willpower
And you shall also soar high
By penning your beautiful thoughts
Breaking the spikes of Lockdown...
My Soul Has Wings; It Will Arise Again From The Pandemic 2020
#StayHome #StaySafe!
Rashmi Singh
धूप के बाद छाँव और दुख
के बाद सुख यही जीवन का सार है। हमे इस बात को अच्छी तरह से समझ लेना चाहिए
कि जीवन मे कोई भी चीज़ हमेशा एक समान नही रहती हैं। वक़्त के साथ सब कुछ
बदलता है।चाहे कितनी भी बड़ी मुसीबत हो और कैसा भी वक्त हो,सब कुछ एक समय के
बाद जरूर बदलता है
My Soul Has Wings; It Will Arise Again From The Pandemic 2020